Professor Shibley Telhami (University of Maryland) and Professor Marc Lynch (George Washington University), co-directors of the Middle East Scholar Barometer, released an article in the Chronicle of Higher Education summarizing the findings of the latest Middle East Scholar Barometer. The sixth iteration of the Barometer studied the self-censorship of scholars on Israel/Palestine. The article looked at the role of self-censorship on U.S. campuses, especially after the October 7th Hamas attack and subsequent Israel-Gaza war: 

"The findings were stark: Eighty-two percent of all U.S.-based respondents, including almost all assistant professors (98 percent), said they self-censor when they speak professionally about the Israeli-Palestinian issue. Just over 81 percent of those self-censoring said they primarily held back their criticism of Israel, while 11 percent said they held back from criticizing Palestinians. Only 2 percent said criticizing U.S. policy was the biggest issue."

Read the full article


More information about the Middle East Scholar Barometer can be found at:
Photo from the Chronicle: a man's face (from his nose to his chin) with a zipper over his mouth